Successful 50+ Year Old School and Housing for 100 Boys ages 5-16 with Grade Levels 1-12 from Families who can’t financially keep the Boys at home. One might call these boys Semi Orphans.

Located in the state of Bihar which is the poorest state in India. Bihar boarders Nepal to the North.

The Project & Opportunity 

Replace Sections of 40 Year Old Building which are Unsafe. (Built on Sand vs Concrete).

Add Funding of $25K/Year to keep the Hostel operating with current low quality levels of Staffing, Food, Medical Care, Building Maintenance, etc.

Over 3-4 years Increase funding to $50-100K/year to reach the level of 1st Rate Private Education.

Additionally the building needs to be replaced at some point at an estimated cost of $300K.

History and Issues

The Bethel Hostel is operated by Bethel Church which also operates a very good Private School for Boys and Girls Ages 9-16 and Grade Levels 6 to 12. So they know how to do this.

Funding for the Boy’s Hostel has historically come from members of a Norwegian Church.

Those Norwegians providing funding are now old and funding is declining and will soon be close to zero.

The Bethel Church has picked up the funding at the minimal level of $25K/year, but is stressed to keep this funding going alone.

At $25K/year for 100 Boys this results in Funding of $25K/100 Boys/365 Days = 68 Cents/Student/Day.

This is amazingly low, but valued by these boys as the alternative is worse.

Other good Schools in India and Nepal (without housing) operate at 3-4 times as much cost.

Government Schools nearby are generally very low in the Quality of Education.

Plan and Steps

  1. Immediately Replace Unsafe buildings & Roof Leaks throughout. $25K Funding Dec, 2024.
    Finish Repair and Replacement April, 2025. Continue Operations throughout 2025.
    Restrict number of Boys at the Current level of 90. Add Boys when funding enables this.
  2. Achieve funding of $25K/Year ($2K/Month) to maintain Hostel Operations in 2025
    With some funding from Bethel this will allow funding of some increased things like Better Nutritious Food, Better & More Skilled Staff/Teachers, and Other items.
  3. Increase Funding from $25K/Year to $50-100K/Year (TBD) in 2026-2027 for 100 Boys.
    Operating at level of 1st Class Private School for 100 Boys.
    Skilled and more Teachers, Food, Living Conditions, Water, Septic, Electricity, etc.
  4. Eventually Replace the Buildings not repaired in 2025. 2028 Estimated.

Funding Approach Initially

A Few Donors vs Many Initially 5 @ $5K/year = $25K or 1 @10K +3 @5K = $25K

2 @10K + 6 @$5K = $50K/Year or 3 @ $10K + 14 @ $5K = 100K.   And variations on this. 

Why this Project vs Others

This serves some of the poorest of the poor.

Bethel Church and School know how to do this if given the funding. 

You will get reports of progress, results and Thanks from 100 Boys.

Fund this and Enjoy the Results you have enabled.