
Creating Lifelong Change for Third World Children

Our family sought and found through our church six children to adopt. Two of them sadly with AIDS. The program that our church established is one of commitment as to adopt a child you must provide for their food, clothing and school costs and care until 18 years of age. We discussed the commitment, not only financially but emotionally as a family and made the decision to help these six children in three different countries, India, Uganda and El Salvador. We have had friends visit a couple of our children and we plan on visiting each one personally as soon as possible.

Our involvement in these children’s lives also takes them from some of the regions poorest villages and partners them with Christian based local programs and provides them with healthy, safe living and extra tutoring so they succeed in school and in long term life.

My family regularly writes back and forth to them and sends little home made crafts and gifts to them on special occasions, birthdays and holidays. The drawings and letters that we receive from them are precious and we will follow and support them to adulthood and beyond.

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of the Lord is this, to reach out to the orphans and widows in need and to obey the Lord’s commands.” – James 1:27



Piper Manclark’s adopted child is from India and is 5 years old.



My child is from East India and is 9 years old and by coincidence shares my same birthday.



Sophie my youngest sponsors a 5 year old with AIDS from Uganda. She has covered herself with band-aids we sent. She called them decorations.



My wife Michelle’s adopted child. He is 7 years old and is from El



Sophie’s and my sponsored child. He is 14 and older but is very happy as most don’t adopt this late in age.



Also my and Sophie’s and he is 13. Unfortunately in Uganda most of the parents suffer from AIDS and both George and Dima’s mothers have late stages of AIDS.