Miramar Air Show
Executive Chalet – hosted by Mike Manclark
and the MANGIC Foundation for the men and women who serve.

For the past 19 years, Mike Manclark been bringing together special friends, customers and individuals and their families from all branches of Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines to enjoy a first class Air Show in true VIP style. As one of the Air Show’s longest sponosors, Mike Manclark has maintained the coveted #1 flightline positioned Executive VIP Chalet, right in front of the Blue Angels! Over the years, thousands of men and women in service to our country have enjoyed the fun and excitement as “FighterTown USA” puts on the greatest airshow in the Country!!!
“Its so rewarding to be able to do something and show our appreciation for the people that give so much in the service of our country. During the most recent event, we welcomed special guests from the Sempre Fi Injured Marine program. These incredible brave individuals injured while in battle along with their families will enjoy a well deserved day of being treated like the VIPs they truly are.”
~ Mike Manclark
MANGIC Foundation
Supporting Semper Fi Fund
For nearly a decade Mike Manclark and the MANGIC Foundation have spearheaded dozens of events in support of the Semper Fi Fund, raising more than $700,000 for severely injured marines. Of the total amount raised, Mike Manclark personally donated over $250,000 worth of capital and goods.
In addition to the large fundraising events sponsored and held by MANGIC, Mike Manclark also worked with more than 100 children who earn money for the cause through lemonade and bake sales. The goal was to give the children an opportunity to understand the importance of giving back to our brave soldiers as well as giving those who served and sacrificed an understanding that even children care.
The Semper Fi Fund provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post 9/11 wounded, critically ill and injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. With the support of organizations like the MANGIC Foundation, they ensure these families have the resources they need during their recovery and transition back to their communities. Since its establishment in 2004, the Semper Fi Fund has issued more than 97,500 grants, totaling more than $113 million in assistance to over 14,400 of our heroes and their families.
Miramar Air Show
Miramar Air Show in the News
Mangic at Miramar Air Show
Mangic Foundation honors wounded warriors at 59th annual MCAS Miramar Air Show COSTA MESA, CA. (SEPTEMBER 28, 2015). With the roar of the world’s most powerful aircraft thundering overhead, 100 guests will be treated to VIP treatment at the nation’s largest air show,...